Kevin Zazzali
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UI Design, UX Design
The App

The App

Ruvna helps schools account for their students in realtime during emergencies. The app empowers teachers to check students in and confirm they are safe, in need of immediate attention, or missing.

The Problem

The Problem

How does a teacher check a student in during an emergency and account for a missing student?

What does this information look like on a school administrator’s dashboard?

My Role

My Role

I was part of a three-person team at General Assembly, and I managed all of the UX/UI and visual design aspects. I ran design studios and continuously upgraded our sketches. After increasing fidelity from low to high, I have continued to iterate and tinker with animations in Framer.

I also conducted on-site interviews at schools, contributed to brainstorms, compiled research documents, and helped present our findings to our clients and classmates.

Stakeholder Interviews

Stakeholder Interviews

We initially met with the CEO and CTO, Joey Nutinsky and Jack Ruppell, respectively, to review the brief, establish roles, and define a timeline for deliverables. I made sure to gain access to existing design iterations, the app, and contacts we could leverage. The latter was a challenge, because of the nascent stage of the business.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis

We made it our goal to find companies in the same space in order to see current solutions regarding attendance and crisis management. We identified the primary competitors as Geos, Schooldude, Crisisgo, Livesafe and Share911.

Features Matrix

Features Matrix

Our research confirmed that rival software is too feature-heavy. No company has strictly prioritized taking attendance during an emergency response.

User Flow

User Flow

It was important to identify the exact steps a teacher would take in order to share a student’s status, since this information feeds directly to a school administrator’s dashboard.



A major goal was to have an interface with buttons that were easy to touch, taking into account a person's hands could be shaking. For that reason, a push-button method was used (as a opposed to a swiping method).